Wednesday, March 5, 2008

British Sea Power

So this doesn't really fit into my scheme of ranting and/or laughing at things, but you know what? I really don't fucking care.

Its 1:30 in the morning, i have to get up to go to work in a few hours, I'm somewhat drunk, and I just got home from a completely kick-ass show.

When I first ran into the EP that would become British Sea Power's new album, Do You Like Rock Music? my first thought was, "damn, this is the tits." Upon grabbing the full album, my second thought was, "damn, this is a balls-ass pretentious album title." Pretentious on paper it might be, British Sea Power has an unassuming stage-presence coupled with an understated yet somehow screamingly energetic style that shows what might be interpreted as pretense is actually a genuine query. Do you like rock music? 'Cause we're gonna fucking play some.

In the time it took for the crowd to warm from tepid shoe-gazers to a sea of somewhat frenzied head-boppers (about 7 seconds) Martin Noble, the lead guitarist, had sliced a pick-hand finger on his Gretsch, wiped the blood partly on the signal flag he was using as a belt, the rest on his face, and then helped the keyboardist with his air-raid siren solo (I'm not even fucking kidding, he had the thing up to the mike cranking it and everything) by screaming harmony into his guitar's pickups. I was somewhat impressed , to say the least.

Go and acquire this album. Now. It is, as i originally thought, the tits.

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