Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just watched the Lost Season 4 finale, and I'm feeling a little OMGed out at the moment. If you are currently one of the many* people who recently decided to start watching lost at the beginning after growing fed up with having all your friends blathering on about some island and a bunch of assholes keeping secrets and fucking everything up, you have no idea what show you're even watching. Its like you already drank the kool-aid, and while it hasn't started yet, pretty soon things will be getting a bit weird.

So, suffice to say, my mind is awhirl with theories, guesses, and plaintive cries of WTF, mate? As luck would have it, the internet, via Scanner has provided me with eerily well integrated soothing images and light chuckles to get me through this difficult time of withdrawal while I steady myself for the reality that I will have to wait another crushing seven months before there is new Lost.

Go check it out.

*ok, I'm extrapolating here. I know of several people who fit the description and therefore I am assuming that based on the sample size of people I know or know of that there must be many more. Yes, its armchair statistical analysis, and fuck you for questioning my logic.

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