Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Seattle Concert Scheduling is teh Stoopid

I just acquired the most recent Cut Copy album, In Ghost Colours. It's pretty rockin'. I'd never really heard them before and I can't remember if this is a result of me scoffing at a recommendation like a tool, or just happenstance. I hope its the latter, I fucking hate realizing I've been a tool.

In Ghost Colours is a great album. I'd throw down a review, but really, pitchfork said it pretty well in the review linked above. Its a happy, fun album of technopop and you should go track it down.

As I was about halfway through my first listen last night, I vaguely recalled seeing Cut Copy on a concert calendar, and went to Neumos' website to see if I'd already missed it. Sweet! I'd not. Shit! Its on a Wednesday.

Now, as a 9-5'er, this presents a dilemma: is the show going to be worth another zombified day at work? I've been to a number of weeknight shows lately and they've been pretty universally awesome. The Shackletons, British Sea Power, and The Super Furry Animals at Neumos, and Le Loup and the Ruby Suns at Chop Suey have all be excellent weeknight shows in the past month or two. But the next day I am, without fail, a solid wreck. It seems like I should be able to handle getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep after a night of drinking and rocking out to awesome music without any problem, right? Despite the clear intuitiveness of that situation, quite the opposite is the reality.

So, concert promoters and bands I like, What The Fuck is the deal with all the weeknight concerts? I realize that based on travel times and other scheduled shows and the various other logistical facets of planning a tour, some shows will have to be on weeknights. I get it. Seattle isn't New York or L.A.. Fine.

But at the same time, Fuck That. At one of the above-mentioned shows, a friend and I found ourselves chatting with the drummer afterwards. He was full of praise for Seattle, how they always had their most solid, best-attended shows here. How KEXP was the greatest radio station in the country. That's all well and good, sir, but then why the fuck are we having this conversation at 1:30 am Wednesday morning? I know its not his personal responsibility, and he was a sick drummer, and they put on a ridiculously good show, and all the rest, but I still cant shake the feeling that it somehow shouldn't be the case that seeing a good small show in Seattle necessarily comes at the expense of my ability to function at work the next day.

1 comment:

Concrete Ghost said...

You are lucky the have any concerts in that podunk town of yours! How many people in Seattle even own a pair of "outside pants" let alone a music box?