Monday, August 3, 2009

wow... so...

... been a while since i posted here, neh?

So the past year went kinda sideways on me. not in a bad way tho.

I got in to law school, packed up the whole Seattle-shop, and relocated inland two thousand miles to Iowa, the land of Corn and Soybeans. As much as they like, here, to distinguish themselves from Kansas with protestations of 'but... we have hills!' it is FUCKING FLAT up in here. Seriously, when i went snowboarding over spring break (yes, snowboarding on spring break, that's what we do in the northwest) i nearly died from lack of visible horizon.

Ok, that's not actually true. And depressingly flat though it is, Iowa City and its surrounding environs actually dont suck to a surprising degree. Whitman peeps, you would feel remarkable at home here. Though IC wants to get you drunker, faster than Many Waters.

Chill people have been met, befriended. You know who you are. Unchill people have been met as well, and snarkily derided from behind my facade of west coast arrogance and silly shirts. You probably *dont* know who you are, and lets just say that that is part of the problem. Everyone else: you know how there were both a surprising number of people you jived with, yet a concurrently larger concentration of That Guy when you went to undergrad from high school? ...yeah... well higher higher education is even more like that. yes, gerry, things are more like they are now than they have ever been.

But, first year has been survived, feathers in cap have been acquired, and hopefully second year will not suck overly hard.
Now, I really dont want this to become one of those tiresome 'durr i'm in lawschool so now i'm gonna be all deep and not tell things, people, incorporeal entities to fuck off when they need to fuck off, because i'm being super conscious of my web-presence and blah blah blah blah' blogs.


This is my private space, published under my nom de plume which, of course, is more top secret than Cheney's Secure Undisclosed Location, and while many of the ventings contained herein I would not necessarily print out and take as a writing sample to an interview, neither would I be ashamed to have an interviewer ask me, "So... uh... we've been looking at your blog. Who exactly _is_ That Guy, and why do you have such a problem with him?" Explaining the concept of That Guy, and how nobody wants to be him would make such a more interesting and memorable interview than me prating about attention to detail, my passion for a well-constructed argument and any number of other true yet trite typical topics.

Therefore, I say, let the ranting and giggling return.

I leave with possibly the greatest t-shirt of the past year.
those PSAs utterly pwned those lame-ass 'knowledge is power' ones.

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